Assorted Crunchy Donut
These cookies, our 2015 Recipe of the Year, are soft and chewy, packed with chips, and go beyond the standard chocolate chip cookie with the addition of nutty tasting oats. They're a specialty of our Bake Truck, which travels the country serving these as part of our Bake for Good fundraising program.
Serving portion
YR Donut500.0 gram
Air200.0 gram
Ragi8.0 gram
Colatta Crunchy Chocolate Spread1.0 bungkus
Colatta Fineza Dark Chocolate (parut)1.0 bungkus
Colatta White Chocolate Compound (parut)1.0 bungkus
Kacang almond100.0 gram
Cara membuat
- Campur YR Donut dengan ragi,lalu aduk rata.
- Tuangkan air secara perlahan sambil terus diaduk hingga kalis.
- Angkat adonan, tutup dengan kain, dan diamkan selama 30 menit.
- Tipiskan adonan, cetak dan fermentasikan selama 45 menit, lalu goreng hingga matang.
- Sediakan mangkuk dengan isi masing-masing bahantopping.
- Celup permukaan donat ke dalam topping sesuai selera.Sajikan!
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